Welcoming New Life

A Baby Naming ceremony is a powerful way to welcome, name and celebrate a unique and beautiful little person as they begin their life, and enter yours.

It is a non-religious alternative to a formal Christening or Baptism and is a way to officially welcome your child into your chosen family. Each ceremony is tailored to the family, and can include symbolic acts such as sand ceremonies, and tree-planting. During the ceremony, parents will give their commitments to their child, as well as their hopes and dreams for their child’s future. God parents (or guide parents as they are often called) can also be called upon to promise to support parent and child as part of their chosen tribe.

Naming ceremonies can be held when baby is a newborn, but this ritual is also suited for toddlers and older children. Ceremonies can take place at home, or in any appropriate venue. Whoever the Naming Ceremony is for, at its core the intention is to create a space where families and communities can come together to unite and bond, all in the name of this special life.

“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.”
— Elizabeth Stone