Saying Goodbye
The landscape of funerals in Ireland has changed over the years, and more options are available than ever when planning a funeral for a loved one. A Civil Funeral Ceremony allows time and space where this may not traditionally be possible, to include readings, songs, and rituals, to celebrate a life, and to share your memories.
As a funeral celebrant, I work with you and your chosen Funeral Directors to plan and deliver a service that is as individual as the person that it celebrates. I consider it a great privilege to offer space and solace at a difficult time, and I firmly believe that a unique and collaborative ceremony can help your family begin the path to grieving and healing on a solid foundation.
Civil funerals can have some religious content, or none at all, and I can deliver the service in any appropriate location of your choosing - your home, Crematorium, Funeral Home, Cemetery or Natural Burial Ground.
““People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you make them feel” ”