Ceremonies for Families

Whether it’s the family you start out with, the one you end up with, or the one you gain along the way, family can mean anything - at its heart it is being surrounded by those that love you the most.

For children, the changes in family dynamics, can be a difficult transition, so family ceremonies can recognise changes to your family over time and provide a reassurance to your children that they are always loved - a celebration of life and love!

Parenting commitment ceremonies celebrate your family in whatever form it takes. If you have separated, one or both parents, if an amicable separation, can show your child or children that they are still as important as they always were, and that your separation does not change how you feel about them and value them as your children. This ceremony can be held with one parent only. If you have married or affirmed your commitment to a new partner with children, this ceremony is ideal to welcome a new parent and seek a commitment by them to do the best for your children.

Adoption or Foster Ceremonies are an incredibly special ceremony where you gather to celebrate the arrival of this wonderful person into your family. It is a way to say, ‘Welcome, today we make our commitment as a family to love and protect you, and to make memories to treasure for always.’
​While typically, the ceremony is celebrating the date of becoming a family, an adoption ceremony can be to celebrate a stepparent adopting the child/children or where two families come together and the ceremony is to celebrate the blending of the two families and their commitment to each other.

Due to the different ages that these transitions can take place for children, it’s a wonderful way to involve your children in the ceremony and its planning. Often the child can also include 'Adopting my Parents' as a ritual as part of the Ceremony.

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.
— Jane Howard